How can we be reached?

Do you have questions regarding our online product information, need a quote or other questions? We would love to help you! Feel free to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form on this page.

Office address:
  • icon-marker
    Oosterwolde Plastic Industry bv
    Venekoterweg 11-13
    8431 HG Oosterwolde (Fr)
Postal address:
  • icon-marker
    Oosterwolde Plastic Industry bv
    Venekoterweg 11
    8431 HG Oosterwolde (Fr)
position: name:
Sales Micheal van Veldhuizen
Sales Edwin de Vries
phone number: email address:
0031 (0)516-516608
0031 (0)516-516608
Follow us on social media:

Get in touch!

Do you have questions about our production of flexible packaging or film, want information on what would be a great solution for you, or have another question? We’d be happy to help!

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Request a product sample

Fill out the form below to request a sample.